Moisture problems with hardwood floors in Metairie, Louisiana with Sunlight Contractors of Louisiana

Homeowner in Metairie, Louisiana & Sunlight Contractors of New Orleans

Buyer beware! Companies in south Louisiana are selling homeowners open cell spray foam for their subfloors. This is the absolute worst thing you can do for your home! Sunlight Contractors was contacted by Bill of Metairie, LA to help with his home. An unknowledgeable, unlicensed company sprayed open cell spray foam on Bill’s subfloor and now he is suffering the aftermath. Because open cell spray foam is not a vapor barrier, this customer’s subfloor began to absorb moisture rapidly. The moisture then sat in between the foam and the wooden members of his floor, causing major mildew growth. Mold thrives on moisture and will spread twice as quickly when water is involved. Sunlight Contractors came in and removed nearly 2,000 square feet of open cell spray foam from the subfloor. This is by no means an easy task.

Their crew had to work in a confined space, while scraping and chipping away at the existing foam. Once the foam was completely removed, it was time to tackle the mildew. Sunlight Contractors sprayed multiple coats of Bora-Care, a borate solution that kills mildew, prevents termites and powder post beetles, over the entire subfloor. Once the mildew was eradicated, and the moisture was lowered to below 10%, Sunlight Contractors was able to spray closed cell spray foam on the subfloor.

It is of the utmost importance, as a homeowner, that you do your due diligence and find only licensed and experienced contractors to do the work you are looking to have performed in your home. You can verify a contractor’s licenses by simply going to the Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors website, and typing in the name of the contractor.

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