Is my home airtight?
An airtight home is an ideal home, and spray polyurethane foam is the hands-down best way to make a home as airtight as possible. Unlike fiberglass or other “fluffy” insulation materials, it provides a genuine, consistent air barrier. That air barrier provided by spray foam prevents uncontrolled movement of air that leaks in from who-knows-where and wreaks havoc with a home’s air quality.
Is my home properly ventilated?
However, even the most airtight of homes needs ventilation to promote healthy air quality. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers) guidelines specify that residences have at least 0.35 air changes per hour. This means that your home should have completely new, fresh outside air being circulated throughout approximately every three hours. Homes that comply with this standard will generally have improved air quality, resulting in fewer health problems for residents.
What’s the HVAC pro’s role in all this?
Talking with an HVAC contractor about providing an effective mechanical ventilation system in a “tight” spray-foamed home is something that every responsible spray polyurethane foam contractor should advise customers about. HVAC contractors absolutely need to know if your new or existing home has been sealed using spray polyurethane foam. This will help them select the best mechanical ventilation system to ensure that you’re as healthy as you are happy in your comfortable, energy-efficient home.
How can Sunlight Contractors help me (and my HVAC pro) get the info we need?
The experts at Sunlight Contractors ARE responsible spray foam contractors. That’s why they always clearly explain spray foam’s powerful sealing properties and conduct blower door tests before installing spray foam insulation to calculate how “tight” a home really is. If it’s too “tight,” they’ll advise you to consult with an HVAC professional about mechanical ventilation before proceeding with spray foam installation. After installation, Sunlight technicians repeat the test and perform ASHRAE 62.2 testing, providing you with a written l report on your home’s air exchange rate per hour (ACH).
The highly trained, certified experts at Sunlight Contractors will not only protect your home against uncomfortable and costly airflow leaks, they’ll keep you informed about your home’s “tightness” and indoor air quality and explain why you should discuss both with your HVAC professional.